Selasa, 08 November 2011

creative writing

creative writing

Only Fate that Distinguish them

look at this picture! who does not know Justin Bieber? young boys, handsome, and multitalented has a good fortune. how not, amid which has worldwide popularity as a singer, Justin has become a billionaire. he became a sensation in America and has millions of fans. worship, even love him as an idol. Bieber has a good livelihood, decent, lay the treasure and his popularity since his youth. future so bright, and he had many opportunities to become better and reach any dreams someday.

Another case with a Palestinian boy below. own, small, thin, brittle, and do not care too. war between the Palestinians by Israel had embraced the world. freedom and happiness of his childhood had been robbed by people who are not civilized. starvation, torture and cruelty of the rulers persecuted him. look at this picture! There was no food! until he had to scramble for the remaining vomit from people just food for survival. very sad at all. that small children have to bear all the burden of his own life.

not these two boys in the picture above is inversely fared. fair to all this? Can wealth sincerity will help poverty? if fate turned turned them both, not necessarily Justin Bieber can survive in a world poverty and in conditions like those experienced by Palestinian boy was. life is sometimes unfair.

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Tugas kepariwisataan 2

The importance of studying the economic dimension of tourism

Because tourism is one of the prime mover of economic or foreign exchange for economic development in a State, without exception in Indonesia. in addition, tourism also has a fundamental spectrum of the broader development of a country. therefore important for us to study the economic dimension of tourism. Another reason why we have studied the economic dimension of tourism that is because we as the future generation must join efforts to develop tourism because tourism as a trigger factor for the development of national and international economy. In addition, tourism is the trigger of prosperity through the development of communication, transportation, accommodation, services other services. Tourism also has a special attention to the preservation of culture, social values ​​to economic value, equity livelihoods of communities caused by the consumption of tourists on a destination, producer of foreign exchange, triggering international trade, growth and development of tourism professions education institutions and specialized agencies form the soul of hospitality that are reliable and courteous, as well as market share for local products so that a range of products continues to grow, as the socio-economic dynamics in the region of a destination. By studying the economic dimension of tourism, we will get a lot of knowledge and insight on how to promote our tourism sector, so that we can develop tourism as to be in the know to the world. Be proud we are as a nation whose wealth in all sectors of the economy if it can be utilized with the best possible way we preserve for its sustainability will be maintained, will we get blessings from nature to our lives.

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Tugas kepariwisataan 2

Pura Besakih, Bali

Pura Besakih is the main temple in Bali. Located on the slopes of Gunung Agung, village district Besakih. This temple, other than as a place of praying, the temple is in use as tourist attractions. Tourists both local and foreign tourists visited many temples. However, for women who are menstruating, not allowed to enter this temple, because it is still incorporated dirty. After entering the temple, we will be blessed with holy water and then drizzle of posting on our foreheads in the form of rice seeds that have been in prayer. Sacred atmosphere of this temple can really make comfort the hearts of visitors.

Tugas kepariwisataan 2

Batubulan Village, Bali

Batubulan village was included in the sub Sukawati, Gianyar, Bali. This village is a village famous for its art of dance drama. In addition to local tourists, many foreign tourists who visited this village to witness the dances and dance dramas are staged in the village. Dance drama is often staged barong dance. Before the dance is staged, the tourists are given a brochure that contains the origins of dance barong and synopses of the stories in dance.

Dance is staged very interesting and entertaining the audience. Sometimes gave the joke for the audience can be more relaxed in watching the dance. Interesting is not it?

Tugas kepariwisataan 2

Sukawati Market in Bali

Sukawati market is famous market retreat and much visited by foreign tourists and local tourists. This market is located in Gianyar regency, Bali. The location not far from the beach Kutha, and is located in the eastern city of Denpasar. This place is heaven by-the typical stuff bali. We can buy various handicrafts, clothes, paintings, sculptures, purses, typical kite bali, bali special food, we even can buy wine Bali. Of course, all goods sold here cheaply. Be smart bargain, then you will get the goods you want at a price far cheaper than the price offered.

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

tugas kepariwisataan 2

Fort of Vredeburg in Jogjakarta

Another interesting attractions to visit in Jogjakarta is Vredeburg. The fort is a dutch heritage building in 1765. In this place, we can see other buildings that were relics of the Dutch government in accordance with the original building, dioramas depicting the struggle of the people of Indonesia prior to the proclamation of independence until the new order. Not to forget, we can see a variety of historical objects, photographs and paintings about the national struggle.

In addition to historical sightseeing, these places also provide attractive facilities for visitors. Among other things, a library, performance hall, audio-visual as well as seminar rooms and the most exciting is that we can use the hotspots free of charge. Visit and preserve wealth of our beloved country.