Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Tugas kepariwisataan 2

The importance of studying the economic dimension of tourism

Because tourism is one of the prime mover of economic or foreign exchange for economic development in a State, without exception in Indonesia. in addition, tourism also has a fundamental spectrum of the broader development of a country. therefore important for us to study the economic dimension of tourism. Another reason why we have studied the economic dimension of tourism that is because we as the future generation must join efforts to develop tourism because tourism as a trigger factor for the development of national and international economy. In addition, tourism is the trigger of prosperity through the development of communication, transportation, accommodation, services other services. Tourism also has a special attention to the preservation of culture, social values ​​to economic value, equity livelihoods of communities caused by the consumption of tourists on a destination, producer of foreign exchange, triggering international trade, growth and development of tourism professions education institutions and specialized agencies form the soul of hospitality that are reliable and courteous, as well as market share for local products so that a range of products continues to grow, as the socio-economic dynamics in the region of a destination. By studying the economic dimension of tourism, we will get a lot of knowledge and insight on how to promote our tourism sector, so that we can develop tourism as to be in the know to the world. Be proud we are as a nation whose wealth in all sectors of the economy if it can be utilized with the best possible way we preserve for its sustainability will be maintained, will we get blessings from nature to our lives.